Monday, February 24, 2014

Lipitor Diabetes Lawsuits

In early 2012, analysis of clinical trial results prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change the labels of the cholesterol-reducing drug Lipitor to state that it increases a user’s risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Patients who have taken Lipitor and developed type-2 diabetes have filed lawsuits against Pfizer, Lipitor’s manufacturer, for injuries caused by Lipitor’s potential side effects. These lawsuits are currently pending in courthouses throughout the country. Many of them allege that, way before 2012, Pfizer was aware of—but nevertheless failed to warn customers about—Lipitor’s propensity to increase serum glucose levels.

Chhabra & Gibbs Will Make Things Easier

Have you developed type-2 diabetes or some other harmful condition as a result of having taken Lipitor? If so, contact Chhabra & Gibbs by going to or calling this number:601-948-8005
We believe that obtaining legal satisfaction from those who harmed you shouldn’t require more hardship. That’s why we do everything we can to streamline the process, and we will file a Lipitor lawsuit on your behalf if necessary.

If you have taken Lipitor and believe it harmed you, contact Chhabra & Gibbs today.

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